Tree-ear is an orphan boy in a 12th-century Korean potters’ village. For a long time he is content living with Crane-man under a bridge barely surviving on scraps of food. All that changes when he sees master potter Min making his beautiful pottery.
Tree-ear sneaks back to Min’s workplace and dreams of creating his own pots someday. When he accidentally breaks a pot, he must work for the master to pay for the damage. Though the work is long and hard, Tree-ear is eager to learn. Then he is sent to the King’s Court to show the master’s pottery. Little does Tree-ear know that this difficult and dangerous journey will change his life forever.
Tree-ear 是生長在12世紀韓國一個村莊的孤兒,一天當他看到一個陶瓷工做出美麗的陶器,他開始夢想創造一個屬於自己的工廠,他總是熱切地向大師學習製作陶器,不畏挫折艱難!終於他被派遣到皇宮展現他的才藝,他知道從此將永遠地改變自己的生活!